Resin bound stone surfaces have emerged as a revolutionary choice for domestic and commercial paving solutions for educational institutes, pool surroundings, patios, driveways, offices exterior premises, and domestic exterior spaces, bringing together aesthetics, functionality, sturdiness, life-longevity, and sustainability. What sets resin bound stones apart is the unerring composition and structure that define their Originality. In this blog from RD4U, we delve into the science behind resin bound stone surfaces and why they are considered a superior choice in the modern domestic and commercial construction Industry. If you have a property in Essex, give us a call and we can come out and give you a completely free assessment to determine if a Resin Driveway is appropriate for you.
The Core Ingredients for Resin bound stones are kiln-dried Aggregate and Polyurethane Resin
At the heart of resin bound stone surfaces lies a scrupulous amalgamation of kiln-dried aggregate and clear polyurethane resin. This combination of Kiln-Dried Aggregate and Polyurethane Resin outputs a robust yet flexible surface for exterior spaces. The minute’s aggregates are thoroughly dried in a kiln to remove the present moisture and are bound together with high quality polyurethane resin. This process of creating resin bound stones where a harmonious fusion takes place and each particle is enveloped ensuring a Cohesive and sturdy completion of resin bound stones with a fine finish.

The science behind Optimal Thickness and Solid Base of resin bound stones: The Foundation of Strength
Resin bound stone surfaces typically have a minimum thickness ranging from 15mm to 20mm. This helps to make them bear weight up to 7.5 tonnes of vehicle weight. To achieve this strong thickness, they are laid on a solid base composed of asphalt concrete, concrete, or hot-rolled asphalt. This solid foundation ensures structural integrity for domestic and commercial spaces; making resin bound stone surfaces capable of withstanding heavy loads, including, vehicular traffic of cars, Lorries, trucks, coaches, and pedestrian traffic.
The science behind The Porous Advantage of Resin bound stones: SuDS Compliance and Flood Prevention
One of the remarkable features of resin bound stone surfacing is its porous and non-slippery nature. This porosity facilitates the design of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) compliant permeable pavement construction. Allowing rainwater to seep through Resin bound stones’ surface significantly reduces flood risk. Moreover, they permit rainwater to flow naturally into nearby water courses such as ponds, lakes, or the forest area (if connected to their SUDS system), Thus contributing to preventing soil erosion and natural aquatic ecosystems. Thus, they are environmentally friendly too.
The science behind Polyurethane Resins: UV Stability and Longevity
Polyurethane resins used in resin bound stone surfaces come in two main types: UV stable (aliphatic polyurethane) and aromatic polyurethane. UV stable resins, characterized by their resistance to color changes upon exposure to ultraviolet light, remain unchanged over time. On the contrary, aromatic polyurethane resins tend to yellow and darken after UV exposure.
When choosing resin bound stone surfaces, opting for UV-stable resin is easy knowledge plays an important role. These UV stable resin bound stones preserve the original color of the surface ensure that your pavement retains on long terms and offer its aesthetic appeal over the years. It is advisable to inquire about the type of polyurethane binder used when purchasing resin bound stone products for your commercial and residential spaces. Reputable resin bound stone suppliers are transparent about the UV resistance of their resin bound products, offering assurance regarding the longevity and vibrancy of the installed surface.
The science behind Aromatic Polyurethane for resin bound Surface: Versatility in domestic and commercial Applications
While aromatic polyurethane resins bound stones may alter color over time, they possess remarkable versatility. From decorative surfaces used for special events and particular functions, these resin bound stone surfaces showcase their robustness in diverse spaces, making aromatic polyurethane resin as a choice.
In conclusion
The science behind the composition and structure of resin bound stone surfaces highlights their exceptional qualities. Comprising kiln-dried aggregate bound with a clear polyurethane resin and laid on a solid base these surfaces offer unparalleled sturdiness, functionality, and life longevity. UV stable (aliphatic polyurethane) supports porosity and aids in SuDS compliance but plays a pivotal role in Soil erosion and flood prevention.
Understanding the distinction between UV-stable (aliphatic polyurethane) resins and aromatic polyurethane resins ensures the longevity and beauty of the pavement. With their unique blend of science and sustainability with eco-friendly nature, resin bound surfaces stand as proof of modern and innovative construction; so, let’s pave your home driveways, patios, and commercial spaces for a greener, to discover a more resilient future.
So, connect with us, one of the top trusted and reliable Resin Bound stone contractors and installers in North London and Essex, as our resin bound stone installation experts install only UV-stable resin bound stones for your domestic and commercial exterior spaces and give a new visual appeal.